science fair banner
School RegistrationTeacher RegistrationProject RegistrationJudge RegistrationVolunteer RegistrationISEF Forms and Project Pre-Approval
First Name: (required)
Last Name: (required)
Gender: (required)
Your email address: (required)
Confirm email address: (required)
Please select all that may apply: (required)
I am comfortable sitting for extended period of time
I am comfortable walking for extended period of time
I am comfortable working on computer
Selecting volunteering times
We ask all our registered volunteers to be punctual at the day of the event they are volunteering for. If you are unable to meet your times or are unable to attend the event, please let us know as soon as possible so we may adjust our records.
Volunteering duties at the event
There are several volunteering positions at our event. They range from general office work to helping students set-up their projects. We will assign volunteers based on their preference and need at the event.
Please indicate when you are able to volunteer: (required)
Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
6:45am - 8:45am - Check-in students and judges in King Center lobby
11:30am - 2:30pm - Help tabulate judges' scores in Hall of Fame