Most noteworthy features of our online registration & data management systems are listed below. While some features are specific to science fair systems, most are available to all STEM systems. If you can't see a feature you are looking for, no problem. We can always create one just for your system to suit your needs.
✔ Try our demo system: Science & Engineering Fair
Annual Costs
Complex online registration and data management systems take time to code and test. We understand that many cannot afford thousands to tens of thousands of dollars to hire a team to create such a custom system. We offer our systems as a rental per annual basis per event. For most, there are no long term contracts and you can cancel at any time.
*System Customization
While our available features are extensive, many were created from over a decade of experience, we understand that one size does not fit all. Most of our features can be customized further to suit your specific needs. If there is a feature that we do not have, we can create one for you. Additional customization is subject to hourly rates. *Our basic science fair system customization is limited to the features already available.
How to Register & Participate
How to register and participate page outlines all the steps necessary for participation at your event. From pre-approval, to registration and finally participation. Teachers and students have a step-by-step guide to ensure their project is a success.
Associative Registrations
Each student and teacher registration is directly associated with single teacher and school registration respectively. Students select their school and teacher from the list of submitted registration. This way you will no longer have the same school registered with multiple different name variations.
Data Validation
Every registration field is validated for accuracy to make sure you get the cleanest and most accurate data possible. You can rest assured that every email will be, every number will be 10 or 11 digits long, every registration will be submitted by a human, and no more CrEaTiVe capitalization by students.
Registration Confirmations
After each registration is submitted, our system automatically sends out confirmation email to the registered participant. For our customized system, this email can include other event details necessary for participation.
Searchable Project Registrations
Teachers have direct and real time access to see all of the students/projects registered under their name and school, as well as students/projects registration status, and any steps they might be missing for successful participation. No more guessing if Jill submitted her paperwork or if Tom is registered.
Custom Divisions & Categories
Each science fair is different. Some are small and have a consolidated list of categories, while the larger fairs mirror categories of ISEF. You have the ability to choose your own division, categories and grade restrictions.
Independent Deadline Control
Each of the registration pages your system uses is open to the public during certain time periods. You can choose your own deadlines and extend them at will. The deadlines for each registration page are independent from one another. This way you can close your project registrations earlier, while keeping volunteer registrations opened right up to the day of the event if needed.
Registration Restrictions
If your event has reached its maximum capacity where you are at risk of having more registered participants than available space, you can impose registration restrictions. For example only 10 students can register from each school, or a limit of 2 projects per division, per category from each participating school.
Project Accounts
With each project registration an account is created. Via the use of this account, students can add team members, correct mistakes, adjust abstracts, change categories, upload paperwork, ... and much more. No need to contact your staff for changes. In addition, each registered teacher can access their students' accounts to make changes as needed.
Virtual Fair
Many events are now opting-in for virtual fair options. This feature will allow your students to submit additional information about their projects (video presentations, pictures, graphs, other documentation,...) to be made available for your judges and used for online project evaluation.
*Award Consideration Selection
While students are registering their projects, they are presented with a list of awards they may qualify for, and select those for which they want to be considered. At the event you will be able to present your sponsored awards judges with a list of projects that selected each award, making sponsored award judging very easy. This option is included with Sponsored Awards Handling feature only.
Media Releases
If you are planning on having media or photographers at your event, the media release feature is just for you. Students can download a PDF media release file, have it filled out by a parent or a guardian and submit it online. Your staff will have the ability to review submitted files to ensure they are filled out correctly and reject them if not.
ISEF Forms Management
ISEF forms can be submitted online. They are immediately available to your staff for review at any time. You can approve, reject or ask students to re-upload corrected paperwork, all online, all without touching a single piece of paper. Teachers and students are always apprised of the paperwork status, no more being in the dark.
Judge Registrations
Of course every science fair needs its judges, where would we be without them? In this registration page you can collect relevant information about your judges, their fields of study, experience level, previous participation, as well as their selection of categories they would feel comfortable judging. All the information you need to successfully delegate them to their teams.
Volunteer Registrations
Larger events need volunteers to help them run their event without a hitch. Our volunteer feature allows you to create volunteer spots, where each spot has its time range, location, tasks required as well as the number of volunteers needed. During the registration volunteers can select any available spot and register. This way you know exactly how many volunteers you have for each task.
Public Schedule of Events
Each registration system has a landing page that contains relevant information about the event itself. One of these pieces of information is the schedule of events. You will be able to effortlessly create your own schedule of events and have it displayed publicly on your landing page for all participants to see. No more guessing what is going on, where and when.
Public Agenda/Program
Every now and then larger events produce and sometimes even print their own programs and agendas with relevant news, success stories, supporting sponsors, pictures and more. This feature will allow you to upload a digital version of your program to your system, which can be viewed and downloaded by your participants.
Judge to Student Feedback
Judging is a hectic time for both students and judges alike. Many times there is just not enough time to process all the information and give students constructive feedback on their project. This feature solves that. After the judging is over and judges had time to think about the presentations, they will be able to leave feedback for projects they judged to help students in their future science fair endeavors.
*Public Award Results
Once your judging is done and all your scores are in, you can upload the results online for all to see.
Admin Accounts
Every system comes with admin accounts that allow you to access your admin features. These accounts can be limited to have access to only certain features. If for example you have a dedicated staff member that is responsible for reviewing ISEF paperwork, and nothing else; you can limit their account to paperwork review only.
Statistics Page
Statistics page is a large list that contains statistical breakdowns of your current registrations. Know how many projects you have, how many are in teams, how many need power at their project, how many do not have their paperwork in, how many teachers are new, how many judges participated before, ... and much more.
Search & Edit
This feature will allow you to search the database for registered participants. You will be able to pull up their registration, make changes to submitted data, and delete their registration if needed. All changes are instant, no need to wait for the system to refresh.
Standard Exports
Export page will allow you to download all participant registrations in excel file format. You can use this export to manipulate data further for your own internal procedures.
*Customized Exports/Reports
In addition to the Standard Export feature we can create many other customized exports for your, in PDF or excel file formats. We can manipulate collected data in almost any way you need.
SSP Report
Those science fairs that participate as affiliated fairs at ISEF are well aware of the several reports that have to be submitted to SSP for participation. Number of students and genders in each grade group, types of participating schools, as well as the ISEF questionnaire report can be easily found here. All you need to do is copy and paste.
Sponsored Awards Handling
In addition to category awards, many science fairs give out special or sponsored awards. This feature will allow you to create a complete list of all the sponsored awards you give out, basic information about each, their requirements and limitations. You can then assign these awards to projects and generate a complete sponsored awards list and certificates for each student.
*Sponsored Award Certificates
This feature is included with the Sponsored Awards Handling where its set-up and customization might be required based on your preferences. Additional customization is subject to hourly rates.
Category Awards Scores/Places
Each science fair gives out places to projects in their respective division and category. With these futures you can digitally record the results of each project's scores or places. Once all the results are in, you can generate a complete category awards list and certificates for each student.
*Category Award Certificates
This feature is included with the Category Awards Scores/Places where its set-up and customization might be required based on your preferences. Additional customization is subject to hourly rates.
Judge/Project Assignments
This feature allows you to put together judging teams and assign projects to those teams as well. Once the assignments are completed, you will be able to print out judging sheets for each judge, with abstracts and project relevant information on the judging sheet itself.
Student/Project Check-in
This feature is great if you want to make sure that all your students/projects have all the paperwork, media releases and any other participation requirements in order. Students can check-in by their project number or by their name, where you will instantly see if they are missing anything from their registration.
Judge + Walk-in Judge Check-in
This feature works particularly well when paired with Judge/Project Assignments. Not all judges show up for the fair, and few won't even let you know that they are not coming. However, there always are judges that walk-in, but are not registered. Once your registered judges are checked-in, the walk-in judge check-in system allows you to assign judges to the teams with judges that did not show up.
Participation Certificates
If you event gives out participation certificates, this feature will allow you to query a PDF file with all registered participants sorted in any desired way, by last name, by project number or grouped by school name. All you need to do is turn the printer on and press print.
Keep Your Data
Any registered data and submitted paperwork is yours to keep. Even if you choose to no longer use our services, you can download and export all of your participants registration information.
Data Privacy
We do not share or give access to any personal identifying information with any third party.
*Technical Support
If there is a technical problem with the site or a bug in the code, we are here to help. Simply email us the issue and we will address and solve the problem within 2 business days, most of the time sooner than that.
Many features are built to encompass the majority of needs of the event. However, each event is different where further customization of the system may be needed. Each registration system comes with 2hr of free customization per year. Most events need only a few changes from year to year and do not go over a 2 hour time limit.
✔ Try our demo system: Science & Engineering Fair